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Are You Ready for a Career Move?

By: Angelique Caffrey - Updated: 15 Feb 2013 | comments*Discuss
Résumé Curriculum Vitae Cv Employer Job

Are You Ready for a Career Move? Is it really time to find a new employer?

Though a part of you might ache to leave your current position, making a career move can be fraught with pressures. Though it's an exciting development in your advancement as a professional, the whole situation also causes new stressors in your personal and professional life.

Before you send out your résumé or curriculum vitae (CV), answer these questions, just to check your readiness.

Are You Ready to be the "new guy/gal" on the Block?

If you accept a job at another corporation, you'll enjoy a quick "honeymoon period", but it'll be over before you know it.

At that point, you will be expected to work hard to impress your supervisors and do some internal networking to make friends (and allies) with your colleagues. Some people forget that leaving your current situation also equates to saying goodbye to the comfort zone you're enjoying right now.

Have You Exhausted all Advancement Opportunities at Your Current Workplace?

Feeling a little bored by your position? Does every day seem to be the same old routine? Do you dream about a place where you can spread your wings, just a little? Believe it or not, you might not have to switch employers to feel excited at work again.

In fact, you can add some spice into your daily grind by strategically asking for additional responsibilities or inquiring about lateral job moves or promotion openings. Your interest in self-development will tell your employers that you're looking for something different; consequently, they'll have the opportunity to help you… or risk losing you to a competitor.

Are You Just Plain Bored in all Aspects of Your Life?

Sometimes, our first thought when we're bored is, "The grass must be greener somewhere else."

However, if you're only leaving your job because of a lack of motivating energy, perhaps you should first consider taking a mini-vacation of a few days (or more) to rejuvenate yourself. You might even want to delve into a hobby that you like; sometimes, the overarching problem isn't your job, it's that you're just in a proverbial "rut."

Can You Afford to Take a Pay Cut?

Leaving your current position won't necessarily translate to earning more money. After all, you may have to accept a lower salary in exchange for a different work situation.

Remember, too, that if you get a job at a different organisation, you may end up spending more each month to travel to work. Additionally, you could wind up working more often from home, which will equate to fewer hours with your family. Of course, this might be worth it to you; if it is, send out that CV.

Are You a Natural Entrepreneur?

Similarly, if you're considering starting your own business as a way out of your life as an employee, you need to do some serious soul-searching. Being the boss isn't all it's cracked up to be. If you're not willing to work 60 or more hours a week, network like crazy, pay all the bills, take all the flak, and make every major decision, being self-employed might be too anxiety-producing.

Though home-based businesses are all the rage, they aren't for every one. If you're anxious to start your own company, try doing it "on the side" for a while, just to make sure you aren't losing your weekly paycheque before going solo.

How Will You Find a New Position on the Sly?

For most individuals, confidentiality is a key factor when searching for a new position. If you're concerned at all about your current employer finding out about your job hunting, you'll have to be especially "sneaky" while searching for a new boss. Though you should never allow this to stand in your way of moving on to a more lucrative career position, you need to be prepared in case the news "gets out" that you're looking.

You Made it! Are You Ready to Switch Careers?

If you're still interested in leaving your job behind, never fear. There are plenty of jobs out there for seekers like yourself, and you'll no doubt land on your feet. Just make certain you're exiting for the right reasons; that way, you'll have no remorse or sense of "what if" when you move on.

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Whilst this was true when it was written, these days, with unemployment so high, the natural instinct is to hang on to your job when so many don’t have one. If you are looking to move, then moving up is the likely option in the current climate, so you’ll need to be aware of opportunities, and not leave your present position until you have another.
will - 17-Sep-12 @ 2:49 PM
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