Below are our articles on the subject of Finance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Agency Work and Contracting
How agency workers and contract workers have very similar rights to permanent members of staff but how there are important differences which you should be aware of if…...

Employment Tax Issues
The basic rules and regulations surrounding income tax. How to calculate the amount of income tax you need to pay and assistance in doing that. Importance of keeping…...

How to Get a Pay Rise
How tact, diplomacy, timing and evidence of your contributions are all essential factors in asking for a pay rise and succeeding in getting one....

National Minimum Wage
How the National Minimum Wage regulations were brought in by the government to prevent the exploitation of workers. How the various tiers of pay differ and what you…...

Negotiate a Better Settlement...and Keep Your Job
If you think you are not being paid enough, it is often possible to negotiate a better settlement - and not be forced to leave your job....

P45 and P60: What You Need to Know
P45 and P60 forms provide you, your new employer, and HM Revenue and Customs with the information needed to ensure you pay the right amount of tax....

Part Time Working
How the Part-time Workers (Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations were introduced to ensure that part-time workers are treated just as favourably as…...

Taking Out a Pension
Looking at the various types of pension schemes open to employees and what to do if you’re not happy with the way your pension scheme is run or if you feel you have…...

Understanding 'Emergency Tax'
Emergency tax codes are assigned when HMRC does not have enough information. They can mean that you pay too much income tax....

Working Tax Credits
What are working tax credits and who is eligible to apply for them. The amount you can receive and how to go out making an application....