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What To Do If You've Been Sacked?

By: Angelique Caffrey - Updated: 19 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Résumé; Curriculum Vitae; Cv; Employ;

It happened. You were fired… "let go"… sacked. After the shock of the experience has died down, the realisation hits you that finding a new job might not be so easy.

Fortunately, there are some résumé or curriculum vitae (CV) and interview "tricks" that will help you get a foot in the door. Additionally, there are some innovative methods to help keep you earning a paycheque and prevent the 'blues' setting in.

  1. Start looking for a new position while your "P45" is still warm.

    Though it's terribly depressing to be forced out of a job, it is really beneficial to get back into the marketplace as quickly as possible. Thus, it won't be apparent to hiring managers that you were told to leave your former employer, because there will be no obvious "gaps" on your CV, as in questionable dates. One note, though - if you live in a small town or tight knit community, word might get around that you were asked to leave. If this is standing in your way, you might do well to consider hunting for a position in a nearby town or a slightly different industry.

  2. Remove dates from your CV.

    Want to try a different CV technique to avoid being asked the "big question"? Eliminate all dates from your CV document, especially in the employment history section. By doing so, you'll be creating what is often referred to as a "skills-based CV". Though this controversial type of CV might raise a few eyebrows, it has been used successfully by others in your situation.

  3. Try to negotiate a deal with your former employer.Unless you did something egregious to cause your sacking, many employers will allow you to leave your position with some dignity intact. That means they'll agree to call your termination a "difference of opinion" or "irreconcilable differences" in order to make it easier for you to get another position. In fact, sometimes you may be given the opportunity to "resign" rather than be fired. Again, it depends upon why you were let go, but if you feel that there is some sentimentality towards you at your former company, you can always ask for their assistance.

  4. Jump into a new profession.

    Have you ever considered venturing into a totally different occupation? Now might just be the time. That way, you'll be entering a completely new field, and prospective employers might never realize you were sacked from your former company because they'll be too busy examining whether you have the skills set to jump into their profession. Though it can be hard to transition to another field and might involve you taking a substantial pay cut or going back to school, you'll be better off than if you remained unemployed. And if the new career path doesn't work out, you can always return to your prior field, telling interviewers that you wanted to try a passion you'd had for many years, but that it just didn't work out.

  5. Become an entrepreneur.

    Similarly, now may be the time to start your own business, if you have the desire and self-motivation. Often, being sacked can result in an unemployed individual venturing out on his or her own. If you've always been intrigued by the notion of becoming your own boss, this could be the perfect time to try it. Just make sure you do your homework before getting involved in any franchises or home-based businesses; if they sound too good to be true, they usually are.

Remember that it's not the end of the world if you've been asked to clean out your desk. Be creative and you'll soon find yourself moving forward and past this challenge.

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