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Using Employment Agencies

By: Beth Morrisey MLIS - Updated: 27 Sep 2010 | comments*Discuss
Employment Agency Agencies Job Work

Using employment agencies has become a common means of finding employment. Everyone from new graduates to Managing Directors can use employment agencies and the smart job hunters are those who use multiple agencies at the same time. Employment agencies make their profits from placing potential employees in jobs, so you can rest assured that working with employment agencies means that someone is working hard on your behalf.

What is an Employment Agency?

Employment agencies, sometimes also called recruitment agencies, are for-profit organisations. These agencies are employed by companies to connect them with the most suitable applicants for their job openings.

What Kind of Employment Agencies Exist?

Many employment agencies are general, which means that they connect with employers across industries and therefore can work with employment seekers from most disciplines. Other agencies may be specialised to one area, for example financial jobs or medical jobs, and only concentrate on openings in these fields. Still other agencies may be specialised to one location, for example finding employment opportunities in Australia or Canada. Usually employment agencies are very open about the types of positions they strive to fill, so if you are confused about an agency’s objectives then just go ahead and ask about them.

Why Should I Use an Employment Agency?

Employment agencies make their money by working well with companies that have openings. This means that employment agencies are efficient, won’t send out inappropriate applicants for interview, and will groom the applicants well before sending them to meet with companies. For a jobseeker, this means a host of rewards. Not only will they have a specialist with whom they can practice interview questions and polish their CV, but it also means that they will get sent for interview for positions that may not have been posted anywhere else.

How Much Will Using an Employment Agency Cost Me?

Zip. Zero. Zilch. Using an employment agency is absolutely free for jobseekers. When the agency finds someone suitable and they fill a position, the employer then pays the agency an agreed upon fee. There should never be any charges or invoices for the jobseeker.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Using an Employment Agency?

Employment agencies are for profit enterprises, so at the end of the day they make their money by catering to the employers and sending in suitable candidates for their positions as quickly as possible. While it may be that some employment agencies do pressure jobseekers into taking a position quickly, this is certainly not the case at every agency nor does it mean that a jobseeker must take a position simply because it is offered. Remember, you are always in control of your own future employment.

How Do I Find Out About Employment Agencies in My Area?

There are multiple means of finding out about the employment agencies in a given area. If you are at university, your career services office probably keeps details of local employment agencies on file. Looking in a local phone book is also an option. Some online directories also exist for employment agencies in the UK, including:
  • Agency Central
  • Jobs UK for employment agencies and jobcentres.
Employment agencies are expert middlemen who work with both employees and employers in order to quickly and efficiently fill job openings. Working with multiple agencies is a good idea for the jobseeker, though remaining selective so as not to “flood the market” is also smart. Use two or three good agencies, and be sure to write a thank you note when you’ve been placed in a great position!

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